Capturing Higher-level Analysis Results

This Idiom describes the process of capturing results of in-depth malware analysis, such as that which characterizes the capabilities or behaviors exhibited by the malware.


In this scenario, a malicious PE binary has been manually analyzed through the use of a disassembler tool. As part of this analysis, it has been discovered that the malware instance contains a keylogging capability, as well as a Windows-hook based behavior that functions as the implementation of this capability.

Data model

The following are the important MAEC data model constructs used in this idiom:

  • Capability: the capability entity is used to characterize the keylogging capability possessed by the malware instance.
  • Behavior: the behavior entity is used to characterize the particular implementation of the keylogging capability possessed by the malware instance.


As with many of the other Idioms, the first step is to create a MAEC Package with a Malware Subject for capturing the information about the malware instance being analyzed. We should also add an Analysis entity to the Malware Subject to capture some details relating the particular analysis that we’re performing. The information on this process is not covered in this idiom, but can be found in the corresponding Creating a MAEC Package and Capturing Analysis Metadata idioms.

Next, a MAEC Bundle is created. Once created, we must set the content_type attribute on the Bundle to define the type of content that it is characterizing. In this case, since we’re capturing the output of manual analysis that was performed on the binary, we should set it to a value of manual analysis output. This is one of the values contained in the BundleContentTypeEnum enumeration used by this field. Finally, we should set the defined_subject attribute on the Bundle to a value of false, since this Bundle will be contained in a Malware Subject, which has already defined the particular malware instance being characterized.

Capturing Behaviors

Now that we’ve set up the Bundle that will capture the higher-level analysis results, we can begin to populate it with these results. Since we’re capturing a malware capability and behavior in our example scenario, we’ll use the corresponding MAEC Capability and Behavior entities. First, let’s discuss the steps involved in capturing the Windows-hook based behavior that serves as the implementation of the keylogging capability:

  1. We’ll need to add an instance of a Behavior to the top-level Behaviors list-type field found in the Bundle that we’ve previously defined.
  2. Next, we’ll need to capture the details of this Behavior. In the case of this example scenario, we know that the malware instance adds a Windows-hook, the act of which can be represented with a Malware Action. The process of adding Actions is not captured in detail here as it is documented in the Capturing Dynamic Analysis Results idiom. However, let’s assume that we’ve added an “add windows hook” Action to the top-level Actions list-type entity found at the root level of the Bundle that we’ve previously defined.
  3. We now need to link this Action to the Behavior in order to specify the context of how it is implemented. This is achieved by populating the Action_Composition field in the Behavior, which is used to express the Actions that compose the Behavior. In this case, we’ll need to reference the “add windows hook” Action since it is defined at the top-level of the Bundle. To do so, we’ll make use of a single instance of the Action_Reference field for this purpose; here, we will populate the action_id field with the ID of the Action that we are referencing.

Capturing Capabilities

Next, let’s explore the steps involved in capturing the keylogging capability; as seen below, this is quite similar to the steps for capturing the details of the behavior:

  1. We’ll need to add an instance of a Capability to the top-level Capabilities list-type field found in the Bundle that we’ve previously defined.
  2. Next, with the Capability instantiated, we’ll need to define the broad type of malware capability that it refers to. This is accomplished through the use of the name attribute, which makes use of the MalwareCapabilityEnum-1.0 enumeration that captures a set of high-level malware capabilities such as persistence, command and control, etc. As of MAEC v4.1, we’ve defined an initial set of these capabilities, along with their children that we refer to as “objectives” (see the full hierarchy here). In this case, keylogging refers to an objective that falls under the spying capability, so we would set the name attribute to a value of spying.
  3. With the information on the top-level (i.e., spying) capability captured, the next step is to capture the fact that we’re referring to keylogging. As such, we need to go through the child objectives of the spying capability (full hierarchy here) and see if there is one that matches the concept of keylogging. Going through this list, we see that we have a “Capture Keyboard Input” tactical objective, which aligns perfectly with keylogging.
  4. Having found a corresponding objective in MAEC’s hierarchy, we’ll need to add this objective to the Capability that we’ve already defined. To do so, we’ll add an instance of a Tactical_Objective to the Capability. Inside of this Tactical_Objective, we’ll need to populate the Name field to capture the name of the objective that we’re capturing. In the case of this example scenario, we’ll use a value of capture keyboard input, and accordingly we’ll need to set the xsi:type attribute on this field to a value of SpyingTacticalObjectivesVocab-1.0, since it is found in the Spying Tactical Objectives Vocabulary.
  5. Finally, we need to link the Behavior that we previously created to the Tactical Objective defined in the previous step, in order to define how it was implemented in the malware instance. To do so, we’ll make use of a single instance of the Behavior_Reference field for this purpose; here, we will populate the behavior_idref attribute with the ID of the Behavior that we are referencing.


  <maecBundle:Capability id="example:capability-dc4a7c3a-4c54-45f5-8110-7e4fcee3b462" name="spying">
    <maecBundle:Tactical_Objective id="example:tactical_objective-065bee75-5e43-4c66-918a-57eba1dab08c">
      <maecBundle:Name xsi:type="maecVocabs:SpyingTacticalObjectivesVocab-1.0">capture keyboard input</maecBundle:Name>
      <maecBundle:Behavior_Reference behavior_idref="example:behavior-cfb4d731-c6e2-4c8e-808d-111e1ba66962"/>
  <maecBundle:Behavior id="example:behavior-cfb4d731-c6e2-4c8e-808d-111e1ba66962">
	  <maecBundle:Action_Reference action_id="example:action-a48e58bb-f35d-4bf6-bb16-0e74061ac47e"/>

Full XML


# Create the behavior
bhv = Behavior()
bhv.action_composition = BehavioralActions()
bhv.action_composition.action_reference = [BehavioralActionReference()]
bhv.action_composition.action_reference[0].action_id = act.id_

# Create the capability
cap = Capability() = "spying"
obj = CapabilityObjective() = VocabString() = "capture keyboard input" = "maecVocabs:SpyingTacticalObjectivesVocab-1.0"
obj.behavior_reference = [BehaviorReference()]
obj.behavior_reference[0].behavior_idref = bhv.id_

Full Python

Further Reading