PDFKeywordCountsTypePDF File Object Schema

The PDFKeywordCountsType captures the occurrences of various keywords in a PDF file.

Field Name Type Description
Page_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The Page_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/Page' keyword in the PDF file, which provides an indication of the number of pages in the PDF document.

Encrypt_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The Encrypt_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/Encrypt' keyword in the PDF file, which indicates that the PDF uses encryption.

ObjStm_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The ObjStm_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/ObjStm' keyword in the PDF file.

JS_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The JS_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/JS' keyword in the PDF file.

JavaScript_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The JavaScript_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/JavaScript' keyword in the PDF file.

AA_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The AA_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/AA' keyword in the PDF file.

OpenAction_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The OpenAction_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/OpenAction' keyword in the PDF file.

ASCIIHexDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The ASCIIHexDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/ASCIIHexDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

ASCII85Decode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The ASCII85Decode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/ASCII85Decode' keyword in the PDF file.

LZWDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The LZWDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/LZWDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

FlateDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The FlateDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/FlateDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

RunLengthDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The RunLengthDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/RunLengthDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

JBIG2Decode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The JBIG2Decode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/JBIG2Decode' keyword in the PDF file.

DCTDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The DCTDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/DCTDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

RichMedia_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The RichMedia_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/RichMedia' keyword in the PDF file.

CCITTFaxDecode_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The CCITTFaxDecode_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/CCITTFaxDecode' keyword in the PDF file.

Launch_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The Launch_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/Launch' keyword in the PDF file.

XFA_Count0..1 PDFKeywordCountType

The XFA_Count field captures the number of occurrences of the '/XFA' keyword in the PDF file.