PDFXrefEntryTypePDF File Object Schema

The PDFXrefEntryType captures details of a cross-reference table subsection entry.

Field Name Type Description
@typeoptional PDFXrefEntryTypeEnum

The type field specifies the type of the cross-reference entry.

Byte_Offset1..1 IntegerObjectPropertyType

The Byte_Offset field captures the 10-digit number, padded with leading zeros if necessary, that specifies the number of bytes from the beginning of the file to the beginning of the object.

Object_Number1..1 NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType

The Object_Number field specifies the 10-digit object number of the next free object.

Generation_Number0..1 NonNegativeIntegerObjectPropertyType

The Generation_Number field specifies the 5-digit generation number to be used when an object with the same object number is created.