NetworkInterfaceTypeSystem Object Schema

The NetworkInterfaceType type specifies information about a network interface, such as its MAC address.

Field Name Type Description
Adapter0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Adapter field specifies the name of the network adapter used by the network interface.

Description0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Description field specifies the description of the network interface.

DHCP_Lease_Expires0..1 DateTimeObjectPropertyType

The DHCP_Lease_Expires field specifies the date/time that the DHCP lease obtained on the network interface expires.

DHCP_Lease_Obtained0..1 DateTimeObjectPropertyType

The DHCP_Lease_Obtained field specifies the date/time that the DHCP lease was obtained on the network interface.

DHCP_Server_List0..1 DHCPServerListType

The DHCP_Server_List field specifies the list of DHCP servers used by the network interface.

IP_Gateway_List0..1 IPGatewayListType

The IP_Gateway_List field specifies the list of IP Gateways used by the network interface.

IP_List0..1 IPInfoListType

The IP_List field specifies the list of IP addresses used by the network interface.

MAC0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The MAC field specifies the MAC or hardware address of the physical network card. Either a colon (':') or a dash ('-') may be used a separator between the octets.