PEResourceTypeWin Executable File Object Schema

The PEResourceType type is intended as container for the properties relevant to PE binary resources.

Field Name Type Description
Type0..1 PEResourceContentType

This field refers to the type of data referred to by this resource.

Name0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Name field specifies the name of the resource used by the PE binary.

Size0..1 PositiveIntegerObjectPropertyType

The Size field specifies the size of the resource, in bytes.

Virtual_Address0..1 HexBinaryObjectPropertyType

The Virtual_Address field specifies the relative virtual address (RVA) of the resource data.

Language0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Language field specifies the name of the language (LANG) defined for the resource, if applicable.

Sub_Language0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Sub_Language field specifies the name of the sub language (SUBLANG) defined for the resource, if applicable.

Hashes0..1 HashListType

The Hashes field is used to include any hash values computed using the specified PE binary resource as input.

Data0..1 StringObjectPropertyType

The Data field captures the actual data contained in the resource, most commonly as a base64-encoded string encapsulated in a CDATA () section.