BehavioralActionEquivalenceReferenceTypeMAEC Bundle Schema

The BehavioralActionEquivalenceReferenceType defines an Action Equivalence reference that can be used as part of a Behavior. Since the Action Equivalency equates two or more actions to a single one, this can be thought of as specifying one of the aforementioned Actions as part of the composition of the Behavior.

Field Name Type Description
@action_equivalence_idrefrequired QName

The action_equivalence_idref field specifies the ID of an Action Equivalence contained in the same MAEC document as the Behavior that utilizes it.

@behavioral_orderingoptional positiveInteger

The behavioral_ordering field defines the ordering of the Action Equivalency with respect to the other actions that make up the behavior. So an action with a behavioral_ordering of "1" would come before an action with a behavioral_ordering of "2", etc.