CandidateIndicatorCompositionTypeMAEC Bundle Schema

The CandidateIndicatorCompositionType captures the composition of a Candidate Indicator, via references to any corresponding MAEC entities contained in the Bundle.

Field Name Type Description
@operatoroptional OperatorTypeEnum

The operator field specifies the Boolean operator for this level of the Candidate Indicator's composition.

Behavior_Reference0..1 BehaviorReferenceType

The Behavior_Reference field specifies a reference to a single Behavior in the Bundle that is part of the candidate indicator's composition.

Action_Reference0..1 ActionReferenceType

The Action_Reference field specifies a reference to a single Action in the Bundle that is part of the candidate indicator's composition.

Object_Reference0..1 ObjectReferenceType

The Object_Reference field specifies a reference to a single Object in the Bundle that is part of the candidate indicator's composition.

Sub_Composition0..n CandidateIndicatorCompositionType

The Sub_Composition field captures any sub-compositions in this Candidate Indicator, for expressing more complex Candidate Indicators.